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Cal Evans' Blog: Man up! (A developer's responsibility to their team)


Cal Evans has a suggestion for all of the developers out there not happy with decisions being made at their workplace (or in the contracts they work with) - man up!

Look, it's easy. As developers, we see people we don't respect making decisions we don't agree with. I know how difficult this position is because like every other developer in the world, I've been in this position. However, unlike a lot of developers I've talked to in recent years, I don't see "digging my heals in" or whining as alternatives.

He suggests one of two alternatives to the situation - either deal with things head-on and get onboard with the decision or jump ship and find something else that suits you better. Sometimes this is a bit easier than others (terminating contracts versus leaving a full-time job), but if you're really that upset with it, it's probably not going to get any better.

talk to a lot of people about how to build teams and the cornerstone of any good team is respect. Management has to respect developers and I firmly believe that. However, you as a developers, have to respect management as well. It is a two way street.

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